Unity of Kanawha Valley is many things: a community of spiritual people who seek to learn and grow while celebrating our diversity and God within us; an institutional congregation registered with Unity Worldwide Ministries; a non-profit organization registered in the state of West Virginia; and church property with buildings supported and maintained by the members of the congregation.
This written history is designed to fulfill three tasks:
To provide you, dear reader, with the background and progress of our organization.
To supply all who come after us with a timeline of the renovations of our property with the hope that those who carry on will love and maintain the property as we strive to do.
To offer you an understanding of the perceptions, concerns and passion that members of the congregation have experienced as they devoted efforts to the formation and development of our church.
Our history is documented in many forms, each tabbed separately:
a timeline; an historical narrative, written recollections from our members; a timeline of renovations; and video recordings from members.
We present these forms with the recognition that each of us have differing interests in our history and that different forms will appeal to different readers.
It is our sincere hope that our written history will have continued updates. Therefore, as you read through this document, please feel free to add your knowledge of Unity of Kanawha Valley by contacting
our Administrative Director, Pam Hippler, who will welcome contributions and make supplements to this document possible. Pam may be reached at 304-345-0021, or email her at
With great love for our history and a commitment to our future,
The 2024 Board of Unity of Kanawha Valley
Steven Keith, President
Laura Wellstead, Vice President
Barbie Dallman, Treasurer
Marybeth Beller, Secretary
David Gettman
Phil Herndon
Kate Flack, Alternate