Our Ministry Team
Unity of Kanawha Valley Board of Trustees 2024 - 2025
President: Marybeth Beller
Vice President: Laura Wellstead
​Treasurer: Barbie Dallman
Secretary: Phil Herndon
David Gettman
Amy Evans
Alternate: Kate Flack

Rev. Sky Kershner, D.Min., Spiritual Leader Emeritus
Sky has recently retired from UKV after 20 years of dedicated but still maintains a presence in our community.
Sky is the retired Director of KPCC Counseling. He now serves the Charleston community in a small private practice called Stillpoint Counseling WV.
Sky can be reached via his cell, 304-220-0088.
See Sky's bio and resume here.
Sky is available to help with:
Pastoral Care, Life Coaching, Spiritual Direction
Pastoral Care is designed to help you develop a vision of who you want to be, to clarify and energize your dreams and goals, and to develop a way to achieve your goals. Problem solving a particular situation is also a part of this. Sky uses an appreciative, positive, accepting and energizing approach in his pastoral care.
Weddings and Unions
Sky is available to perform weddings, unions, and commitment services, and to facilitate unique rituals or services by request on an as-needed basis. Sky regularly helps couples from different religious traditions (or those who have no religious background) create a service that is just right. Read more
Unity sees all life as sacred, and that we are loved children of God. Baptism at Unity is the celebration of a life. Birth and all life transitions are celebrated. Contact Sky to develop a ritual that is just right for you.
Funerals and Memorial Services
The transition of death is an important and sometimes difficult time. We are here to help our friends and members honor the life of their loved one and help begin the emotional process of letting go and coming to peace with the transition.
Hospital Visitations and Emergencies
Sky and our pastoral care team are available for hospital or emergency home visits to UKV members and friends on an as- needed basis. Please let us know if you have a need for a visit!

Rev. Sharon Mullins, M.A.
Trained at One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York City and a licensed wedding officiant in West Virginia, Rev. Sharon can help you plan a wedding ceremony, funeral service, or create a blessing ceremony for a new baby. She currently serves Unity of Kanawha Valley as a member of our Prayer Chaplain team..

Pam Hawley Grady, L.U.T.
Pam completed her training as a Licensed Unity Teacher in 1999. Pam and her husband, the late Forrest "Woody" Hawley, moved to Charleston in 1995, when Woody was chosen to serve as Minister of Unity of Kanawha Valley.